Muscadine grapevines produce single, not cluster grapes.  Many variants have been cultivated to regulate size and sweetness.


  • The wild muscadine is the original grape indigenous to the southeast United States.

  • Sir Walter Raleigh highlighted the muscadine in his journals written in 1584.

  • There were two federally established research sites to study the muscadine - one in North Carolina and another in Alabama.

  • Research grants are now given to study the effect of muscadines on cancer.

Muscadine wine, made by many in Denmark, contains antioxidants Resveratrol and Ellagic Acid.

Muscadine wine, made by many in Denmark, contains antioxidants Resveratrol and Ellagic Acid.

The SC Upper Lowcountry Muscadine Festival is a Folklife festival partially funded by the Folklife grant of the SC Arts Commission