Community Rural Arts Work League of Bamberg County, its partners and its affiliates assume no liability.  Attendees and participants assume all risks. The guidelines listed below are not to be viewed as a complete outline of rules and suggestions but serve as expectations along with all information found one the sites below.  It is up to adults, parents, and guardians to ensure that they and their respective minors adhere to the information and the commonsense dictates of avoiding COVID-19.


Guidance websites


The South Carolina Upper Lowcountry Muscadine Festival Guidelines and Suggestions (see information above)


Masks and Social Distancing

·       Masks are required.

·       Social distancing is required; game participation is at the risk of the participant(s).

·       Gloves are suggested.

·       Bleach-free hand sanitizer and disinfectant sprays are recommended.


Staffing and Safety

·       Certified nurses are available at the Nurse’s Station.

·       Temperature checks are mandatory upon entry and reentry.

·       Staff members will wear name tags, shirts, and/or other identification paraphernalia.

·       CRAWL retains the right to ask individuals who do not follow guidelines to exit the event.

·       All South Carolina laws pertain to this festival.

·       A Kids Free Zone is available (please contact

·       Pollution (litter, noise, privacy, etc) will not be tolerated and will be grounds for dismissal.

·       Service animas are accepted and must be registered with CRAWL (contact


Hospitality Transportation

·       Golf cart usage is restricted to:

o   Pregnant women;

o   A parent/guardian with toddlers;

o   The elderly;

o   ADA-recognized individuals; and,

o   VIP individuals.

·       One person per trip unless noted above.

·       Masks must be worn upon exiting your vehicle.

·       No eating or drinking while riding.

·       Please refrain from physical contact with transportation staff.


Vendor Areas

·       Remain socially distanced – 6ft or more.

·       Turn away from vendors’ tables when tasting.

·       Condiments must be handled with gloves.

·       All monies must be handled by designated cashiers.

·       Food sharing is discouraged.


Crafting, Storytelling, Workshops, and Demonstrations

·       Gloves are suggested.

·       Sharing of tools and supplies is discouraged.

·       Social distancing is required.

·       A handwashing station is available.

·       Follow maximum capacity restrictions.



·       Restrooms will be clearly marked.

·       Restroom bags may be obtained.

o   Disinfectant wipes;

o   Paper towels;

o   Disinfectant spray;

o   Gloves;

o   Hand sanitizer; and,

o   Toilet paper.

·       Individuals must have a bag upon using restrooms.

·       Physical distancing is required.

·       Follow “Closed” signs to allow for professional cleaning.



CRAWL reserves the right to expand the above guidelines and suggestions.  Personal safety should be forefront and is an individual’s responsibility.  Contact for details.